Our strategic plan consists of three key components: our vision, our mission, and our commitments. Our vision and mission lie at the heart of the plan. The vision describes our overall aspiration for DC. Our mission is how we fit into that broader aspiration, and what we more tactically hope to accomplish.
visibility Vision
Unleashing the possible for DC in the digital age.
Empower DC government through technology by providing valued services, advising agencies, and collaboratively governing IT.
Our commitments
The nine commitments outlined here are to our agencies, to residents, to businesses, to visitors, and to the OCTO team. They focus on providing exceptional services, products, technology advice, and governance in the digital age. They also highlight how we’ll change the way OCTO works to ensure we are able to successfully support and serve DC through technology. Under each commitment are several specific initiatives we’ll undertake. To make this happen, each commitment is led by a member of the OCTO Executive team. To develop the plan, we:
- checkreviewed the technology strategic plans of other city, states, and countries;
- checkconducted 34 interviews with DC government agencies and OCTO staff;
- checkreviewed agency goals and Mayoral initiatives to align the plan with DC government’s plans and priorities more broadly;
- checkconducted three workshops with OCTO’s most senior leaders to develop and stack-hands on the plan; and
- checkreviewed drafts with key stakeholders, including agencies.
What’s Next:
Our plan is by no means comprehensive of all OCTO’s responsibilities. The plan builds upon and contributes to existing initiatives like Smarter DC, ConnectDC, and Resilient DC. However, we believe the plan identifies the common priorities of our stakeholders to deliver OCTO’s mission and continuously improve. But we are not done – we expect to revise and adjust the plan over the next three years to incorporate what we learn and as the world around us – and the needs of our customers – continue to change.
You can provide feedback on the current version of the plan here.
picture_as_pdfView the draft plan