Improve the way our team and agencies work together
Effectively working with our agency customers is critical to meet the needs of residents, businesses, and visitors. Successful engagement will require an improved understanding each agencies’ mission needs and unique technology needs. It will also improve agencies’ experience working with OCTO.
To improve the way OCTO and agencies work together, we will establish liaisons who work directly with agencies as their central point of contact at OCTO. They will develop an understanding of their agencies’ unique mission and technology needs and work across OCTO to help them meet those needs. In addition, we intend to develop more consistent processes and procedures for engagement with agencies to codify how they and OCTO will work together and clearly define roles and responsibilities for each project.
We will also implement programs to increase all OCTO employees’ understanding of agencies by providing opportunities such as site visits to agencies.
"We must be more than just a source of technology. We must become trusted advisors who understand the business needs of agencies to be able to give reliable and consistent advice on how best to meet their missions. This will become the ‘OCTO Way."
Clarence Moore (Right)
Associate CTO for Customer Experience
Michael Rupert (Left)
Communications Director
Commitment 8 Co-Leads